Archiv des Autors: be_ma


Atila Rezler start to fell art at a very young age, his great grandfather was an artist that worked with marquetry, the grandfather an exalted designer, so he was born in between many forms of art and has been always stimulated for doing it. When he was 5 years old he decides that he would became an artist, and his idea was that artists have a free life. So he made it happen and this decision makes himself a free thinker and strong to deal with life`s changes and what he loved is to study about different areas and have contact with many people with different backgrounds.
Atila started his carrear studying Graphic design and found his talent to became a tattoo artist 13 years ago in Mexico. Atila keeps developing his way of expression, nowadays besides being an well known tattoo maker he also transform spaces with art in Graffiti and is stepping into product design carving wood furniture himself.

by Cintia Fasano Leao                                                            


by Cintia Fasano Leao

by Cintia Fasano Leao

For Atila tattoos are rituals and he takes it very personal and intense. There is a lot of responsibility to be the one eternalizing  Symbols and it´s images in a persons body. For him is a path that forms a tribe, a family that is his own, so he gets to know better the interference of this alive images. Atila choses carefully his clients, the ones that will become part of his tribe, he makes all the draws himself and needs to fell confidence  from the ones that wants to have his art externalized in their bodies. 
